Tonights Bible Study will be entitled "Obedience to God"
The Series will take us on a ride of Walking with Jesus in our every day live.

What is Obedience?
1 Timothy 2:2
What does it mean to call Jesus "Lord"
Luke 6:46
John 14:13-16
Matthew 22:37
Matthew 12:46-50
Why is Obedience to God so Important?
1 Thessalonians 4:1-4
Psalms 32:3-8
Pslams 119:45
Romans 1:27
What effect does obedience and disobedience have on our conscience?
Ephesians 4:17-19
1 Timothy 1:19
1 Timothy 4:1-2
Obedience and our relationship with others?
Luke 6:22-23
Luke 6:27-28