Sunday's message about changing our attitude.
A negative attitude brings about negative results. Just like positive brings positive attitude and good results. Spending time in the WORD and allow the Holy Spirit to change us, is a good way to start. Watch the message and be blessed.
GET READY FOR "The Prayer Path" coming next friday October 16 from 6pm to 10pm
Your chance to get closer to God by walking the labyrinth. It will quiet you down, pay attention to His small still voice, and be still and know that HE is GOD.
Prepare yourself to spend about an hour. You can walk through at your leisure and you experience 11 stations.
There will be an outside fire going all night for hot dogs, desserts and yummy snacks. Come on out and relax and let the Holy Spirit talk to you. The prayer path is open for teens, college age and adults of any age. ITS FREE and you will be blessed.