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Glory Cloud Publications LLC, United States, 2016. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 229 x 152 mm. Language: English . Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****. You don t need a study to prove that the time a person awakes in the morning--a myriad of voices are waiting to bid for their attention. Multiplied by the average life span that equivocates to a lot of voices daily contending. These voices are not all audible. They are the identity of the demands that life brings--full of offerings and decisions to be made. Voices emanate from everything--such as advertisements, billboards, newspapers, books, posters, radio, television, internet, email, cell phones, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), bosses, employees, career demands, politics, physical and emotional needs such as food, water, comfort, attention, and sexual lustful desires. Other voices demanding attention include family, friends, and social community commitments But those aren t the only voice speaking. The bible says there are many voices in the world, and all have a purpose. In the deluge of voices, demands, and decisions there is a voice that declares liked no other. This voice, to a dull ear, can seem small, and sometimes not apparent at all. And yet, this voice is the resident authority of the universe and beyond. Why is this powerful voice, the voice of God, often so minute to a lot of Christians? Perhaps because the best way to hear him is to get off the grid. Pastor Eric G. Zeidler, author of Silence of the Tongue, with scripture and reflection, examines the need to step away from the cares of this world and truly seek God. His insights reveal that hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd is not just a quaint idea or Christian phraseology, but a necessity of survival in today s world, and the future to come. Living off the grid is a must for spiritual growth, advancement in the Kingdom of God, and a closer walk with God. Pastor Eric challenges believers everywhere, to get off the grid and reevaluate their life, Christianity, and God ordained purpose, to see if they are really walking in the will, faith and love of God.

Off the Grid (paperback)

SKU: 364215376135191
  •  The Glory Cloud publications LLC, 2016

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